Top 3 graphic design apps for social media marketing

Modern software has given creators the tools they need to showcase their work to the world. Here are the best free apps that I’ve been using that will help your talent shine in 2019:

AppWrap – Do you want to feature your latest website or app design to your followers? Are you building a portfolio for the UI/UX projects you worked on? This app is a great way to wrap your screenshots in a mobile device view. You can add effects, backgrounds, and text to really polish the look and feel. Their template gallery will give you inspiration to make something gorgeous. mobile device view

Canva – This is one of my favorites. With a library of over 60,000+ templates, this app has something for every platform. Whether you need to create a great looking post, story, or cover image, this app has designs for Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and much more. If you want your online presence to look professionally designed, check this one out!

Anthony Pace creativity takes courage

Hatchful – Do you need a logo for your brand, business, or product? This app let’s you create one quickly. By customizing templates, you can draft, and iterate designs. Having logo design done fast, cheap, and easily allows you to focus on the actual product. It’s important to not get hung up on the logo, especially early into your venture, and instead focus on the actual value your service proposes.

I’ve used all of these apps, and personally gained value from them. What apps do you use for your graphic design?

A template for web app startups

code templates

Having a framework in place when you start up will let you hit the ground running. This applies not just to software, but also business, health, fitness, and just about everything else in life. Having the dots ready to connect helps you to draw the right picture.

I recently released BJJ Tracker as a web app. You can read about it here. I built it knowing that I would want to reuse its code, and have it serve as a framework for future projects. I cleaned it up into a GitHub repository, trying to make it as generic as I could. Here is the link:

BJJ Tracker

I wanted to create a template to rapidly roll out digital products and software. This source code is a starting point. The goal is to be quick and cheap, without sacrificing quality. It runs in a LAMP environment. If you want to run this software on your computer, look into WAMP or MAMP.

This code base provides a front-end that leverages modern web technologies and standard best practices. A basic layout is described, including a header, menu drawer, feature buttons, and detail pages. It uses Bootstrap, jQuery, Font Awesome, Google Fonts, and Google Charts.

The back-end is object oriented, RESTful, and secure. Code that talks to the database, or to 3rd party APIs, has been separated out into *-service.php files. It includes SQL to create a user database. The database interacts with a custom registration and login engine. It allows for anonymous users, so that data can be saved before signing up, and a password is not needed to get started. It provides a reset password mechanism for users. It seamlessly integrates with Mailchimp and Facebook login. Redirects are in place to force SSL and WWW, and to remove file extensions from URLs. Next versions will address technical SEO and new API integrations.

source code

If you’d like to contribute to this repo, feel free to fork it, and make a pull request.


Writing, engineering, and creativity

writing resources

It was 2006 and I had just installed WordPress on a web server. I would draft blog posts nightly, before getting ready for bed. At the time I was a philosophy major and wrote prose more than code. That was my first venture into web development and digital marketing. It started with writing.

Writing blog posts and publishing software have a lot in common. For both, “perfect” is the opposite of ready. It’s easy to keep editing your own work. It’s even easier to keep adding half-done features and clutter. That’s why having a plan before you start helps so much. When I write, my first draft tends to be bullet points and a vague outline. The same goes for software. If I’m building something complex, I write comments explaining its functionality before any code. It’s my way of “thinking out loud”, and making sure that what I plan on doing even makes sense.

It’s been over a decade since I’ve maintained a blog. Creative tasks require hard work, lest they bear no fruit. (“Writer’s block is for amateurs”). Problem solving, in its many shapes, is the highest form of creativity. It’s how we build our reality. Modern technology gives us creative leverage through tools, knowledge, and community. We’re being given opportunities to build and create things, to grow and be better, at an unprecedented scale. It’s the best time in history to be CEO of your own life; creative director of your destiny. This also sets the bar higher to stand out.

My plan here is to write regularly, and discuss what I’ve been working on and learning, as well as what’s next. This gives me a chance to explore my thoughts, and prune the branches from which they stem. Hopefully, working at this will help to make me a better storyteller too. This blog is my notes and stories from the field, on the ground!

BJJ Tracker, a Fitness App

BJJ tracker, a fitness app

BJJ Tracker is a fitness app for tracking Brazilian jiu jitsu training. It’s the sort of fitness app I was looking for, but couldn’t find. Version 1.0 is a bare bones MVP, but has a list of features on the way. Future versions will add gamification (including challenges and goals), UX/UI enhancements, training recommendations, and more.

The app allows users to record their training sessions, with details about drilling and sparring, as well as competition. This data is visualized over charts and calendars. The idea started from physically writing my training sessions onto an actual calendar, with a minimum goal per week. Building it has been a great exercise in digital product development, software design, and UI/UX strategy.

fitness tracker calendar


BJJ Tracker is a web app, hosted on a AWS Linux server, running Apache, PHP, and MySql. I used Initializr to generate a bootstrap template to get my front-end started. One goal of this project was to build a web app framework that I could use to quickly get future projects running. This code would include user registration and login services, as well as other back-end concerns, on top of a front-end. I’ve cleaned most of this code into a generic repo on GitHub. You can read my post explaining its features.


This app was designed with “mobile first” in mind, assuming that most users will be on a smart phone. The look and feel of the color palette, font-choice, and UI layout took some experimenting and visual research. It’s not final, and will be subject to split testing over time. I used Font Awesome to add icons as visual cues, giving the app a more finished look. The three lined (hamburger) menu in the top right comes as standard UI, using Simple MobileMenu, a jQuery plugin. Other UI elements include a top status message, and “In-Your-Face” status message, both of which are custom built notifications that I’ve wrapped as javascript plugins. Having a calendar section was important to me, and I consider to be a primary feature of the app. I use Full Calendar to generate the full month view. The homepage (dashboard) focuses on a week view. Google charts is used for the “techniques” graph.

logo design

The logo is a work-in-progress. The textual part was easy – pick a font, add a sharp outline, and a drop shadow. I always start with a 1024×1024 canvas. The symbol begins with simple shapes, triangles and circles. I left this process for last, saving my focus for the actual product. This allowed me to rapidly iterate design versions, and see how it would look directly in the user interface. Below is the current portrayal – and I’m excited for next versions.

BJJ Tracker logo

Full Calendar has been my go-to solution for adding Calendars to websites. It’s free, and only needs two file references to work (a CSS file and a JavaScript file). You can host those files your self, or use a CDN. And, the UI is easily customized with a bit of <style> code:

<!-- <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> -->
<link href="/css/fullcalendar.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
#calendar {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 100%;
#calendar h2{
    font-size: 18px;
    height: auto !important;
    padding: 5px !important;
    outline: none;
    border: 1px solid #2176AE;
    background-color: #2176AE;
    color: white;
    text-align: center;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px;
    border-radius: 6px !important;
    background-image: none;
    text-transform: capitalize;
    font-size: 12px !important;
    height: 25px !important;
    margin-left: 5px !important;
    display: none;
<div class="ap-container top-ap-container" > <div id='calendar'></div> </div> 

<script src="js/vendor/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/vendor/fullcalendar.js"></script>
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->


$(document).ready(function() {
	var date = new Date();
	var d = date.getDate();
	var m = date.getMonth();
	var y = date.getFullYear();
	var eventsArray = [];
		$all_record_rows = $view_record_response["all_record_rows"];
		foreach ($all_record_rows as $key => $value){
			$record_date = $value['date'];
			$record_type = $value['type'];
			$rid = $value['recordid'];
			$nameOfDay = date('D', strtotime($record_date));
			$nameOfDay = lcfirst($nameOfDay);
			$color = "";
			if($record_type == "competition"){
				$color = "red";

			var event = {
			title: "<?php echo $record_type; ?>",
			start: '<?php echo $record_date; ?>',
			end: '<?php echo $record_date; ?>',
			color: '<?php echo $color; ?>',
			url: "view-record.php?rid=<?php echo $rid?>" 

		} //end foreach
	} //end if

		editable: false,
		events: eventsArray

You can see I get the back-end data through my PHP code (view_record_response), and pass it along on the front-end (eventsArray) to FullCalendar.

Challenges and next steps

One goal of this project was to get started fast, so people could begin using it. Deciding what to include out of a long list of ideas proved challenging. I could have kept adding features, and never been ready to make the site public. I meant to keep functionality basic, but still wanted the thing to be useful. The design needed to be simple, yet still had to look finished. I won’t know how close I came to getting this right until I analyze user feedback. The real plan is to do a little bit better next time, and to keep iterating. Using this as foundation will let future ventures start a step ahead. Already, I’ve begun implementing updates, and getting ready to deploy to the App Store and Google Play. Look out for coming updates and other products that are in the works! Don’t forget to visit the BJJ Tracker blog.

bjj tracker

Interview with a Programmer – Proust Questionnaire

list of questions

The Proust Questionnaire is named after Marcel Proust – the writer. The list of questions was not created by him, but popularized by his answers and eventually resurrected as a common interview guide. I collect questions as a hobby, and these are great additions.

As an exercise in writing, and in thinking, I’ll provide my answers here. I hope you enjoy what I have to say.

  1. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Happiness is like a good cup of coffee – it’s not just about reaching the last drop, but savoring every sip along the way. And if I can share that cup with good company, that’s the perfect blend of happiness for me.
  2. What is your greatest fear? I fear ending up on a deserted island with only a volleyball for company. So, let’s keep the social circles intact, shall we?
  3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? I try to keep my inner critic on a strict diet – nobody needs that kind of negativity in their lives. Let’s serve up some self-love instead!
  4. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Selfishness is like a bad haircut – it’s noticeable from a mile away, and nobody wants to be caught sporting it.
  5. Which living person do you most admire? I’ve got a list of virtual mentors longer than my grocery receipt. It’s like having a buffet of inspiration – why settle for just one dish?
  6. What is your greatest extravagance? When it comes to splurging, I’m guilty of treating my taste buds to the VIP section. Fine dining is my weakness, and I’m not even sorry about it.
  7. What is your current state of mind? Picture a sunshine emoji doing cartwheels – that’s my current state of mind: optimistic and doing flips of joy.
  8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Patience is a virtue, they say. But let’s be real, waiting in line is overrated – I’m all about that express lane in life!
  9. On what occasion do you lie? Only when I’m auditioning for a role in a spy movie. Honesty is my superpower, but a little white lie can save the day sometimes, right?
  10. What do you most dislike about your appearance? They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if I could change one thing, I’d love to have a built-in snack dispenser. Now, that’s what I call convenient!
  11. Which living person do you most despise? Ain’t nobody got time for hate. Let’s spread love like confetti instead!
  12. What is the quality you most like in a person? Honesty is like a good joke – it’s best when it’s not forced. And a sprinkle of humor? That’s the cherry on top!
  13. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? If my words were a playlist, they’d be on repeat more often than my favorite song. But hey, at least I keep things familiar, right? Maybe in the future, AI can listen to us all day, and give us a weekly digest of how to improve our speech along with a list of overused phrases.

These are my answers, and I hope they help you get a better idea of who I am. One of the most interesting applications of these queries is in fiction writing, to help build realistic characters. Creating worlds with living identities is an art, and characterization questionnaires are a helpful tool in adding depth.

I plan to continually return to this post and update my answers over time.

Being a Web Developer in NYC

starting a website project in new york

Full time employment

Six months ago I started a full time programmer position in Manhattan. The office is located in a Chelsea building, on the 11th floor. It’s a trendy neighborhood with plenty of restaurants, walking distance from art galleries.

My daily commute takes me through the Bronx on the 6 train, landing me steps away from Madison Square Park and the Flat Iron Building. The subsequent ten minute walk pumps coffee through my veins and prepares my mind for a day of meetings, thinking, and coding.

An hour long lunch break gives me a chance to explore local shops and scenery. More walking. More thinking. Then, back to the office for more meetings and more coding. The boutique atmosphere has a start-up feel. Marketing and event-planning have been woven through my responsibilities as keeper of all things tech. Each member of our small team fashions a millinery worth of metaphorical hats. Team building events and shared lunches help us to stay lockstep.

After work I’ve been attending tech meetups and happy hours. Networking is important. I’m excited to see what the city has in store for my life and my career. This blog will be a journal for my adventures in technology.


I’ve been a freelance web designer and developer in New York City for a few years. I find new clients prospecting small and medium size businesses.

Who is Anthony Pace

Who is Anthony Pace?

I’m a software engineer and web developer. I was born in New York City, and love living here. Being creative, solving problems, and building things excite me. I believe that boredom is the enemy of happiness. Having new experiences is how I find inspiration.

Programming and computers are important to me. I spend a lot of time online. The internet has helped me to discover things that are now important parts of my reality. I love to be a part of the wave by creating content, technology, and experiences for the web. This aspect of my life lets me be artistic and scientific at once


As a life-long athlete, fitness and health are important to me. I spend weekends running, and participating in races around NYC. This is when I have some of my best ideas. Exercise gives me the energy I need to tackle my goals. During my best workouts, I experience a sense of flow only matched when I’m absorbed deeply into a creative project. I also enjoy lifting weights and martial arts.


I draw inspiration from a lot of different places. I listen to podcasts and audiobooks while commuting (but still often do read actual books). Twitter has become one of favorite resources for new content. Consuming media propels my own creative urges. My drive to turn the imagined tangible boldens as I see others do it. You can check out my blog to find out more about what excites me.


The urge to explore precedes creative expression. Experiencing the culture of a strange place stretches the imagination. I travel a few times per year for work, attending conferences and exhibitions, doing marketing work and managing live educational events. I also find myself on long adventures during my off time. These journeys have afforded me opportunities to meet people from around the world and make great memories.


Social gatherings are exciting. Concerts, meet-ups, parties, and conventions help me connect with interesting people. In connecting with others we grow. I enjoy live music and good food. I attend group meetings that focus on my professional interests. Even digital events in virtual worlds present entirely new landscapes for me to explore.


Technology and Consciousness

Throughout philosophical discussions concerning technology the concept of “human nature,” and its influence, are often referenced. Upon examining consciousness within a technological context the idea of a loss of humanity or individuality continually arises. Curiously, this seems to imply something very strange – specifically that the major trends of human nature are ultimately leading to its own demise. The abstraction of human characteristics and qualities, such as talent and emotion, which emerges from the influence of human nature on technology, causes a reasonable sense of fear and unnaturalness in most people. It’s clear and obvious that the world is rapidly changing in a way that history has never felt before. Socially, environmentally, and even spiritually, humankind is experiencing a metamorphosis. Issues that have stirred the minds of fanatics and dreamers for centuries are finally coming to a boil. Despite this, we may find consolation in the idea that perhaps human beings are simply a stepping-stone in the bigger picture, and that quality which we refer to as ‘humanity,’ actually derives from the whole of the cosmos and will be survived regardless of the fate of the 46 chromosomed machines that claim it as their exclusive birthright.

The twenty-first century is understood to be a pivotal moment in the history of humankind. Through technology human nature is being altered and we begin to face issues that never before existed. In a talk given by Sir Martin Rees, it is argued that this may be our last century on Earth (1). Discussing the immense future lying ahead of us, Rees explains that complexity and intelligence have far to go even here still on earth, not to mention into the depths of space. A main tenet of his argument entails that for the first time humans are able to materially change themselves, and the planet on a global scale. With the arrival of the internet, complexity and abundance of information has sky-rocketed. Slowly, digital information is becoming more important than material things (consider cash versus electronic banking, etc.). Perhaps this transition is also affecting humanity itself. Our own ability, and desire, to change ourselves may in the end result in the loss of ourselves. Bioengineering and bionics aside, I assert that most vital role will be played by the systems we create in this ‘infinite game.’ Humanity itself is based on information systems, in various regards. Our physical selves result from genetic information. Our minds, our consciousness, are all essentially information processed through a system. Everything that defines humanity seems to be compatible.

Interestingly enough, there is already a website that is devoted to “the putative future process of copying one’s mind from the natural substrate of the brain into an artificial one, manufactured by humans.” “The Mind Uploading Webpage, (2)” also details a list of various issues and questions that seem to arise from the concept, including personal identities, brain enhancements, and artificial realities. What future does a website like this promise in the developing context of web 3.0 and beyond? Imagine once something like this invades our everyday lifestyle – the explicit and intentional outsourcing of the human brains. The reason why I have focused so much on this mental outsourcing and expansion of humanity is because it points to result in something even more complex than the sum of its parts. The various digital systems that humanity has begun to embrace, interconnected within a system itself (which will ultimately be a descendant of today’s internet), will itself eventually develop into a conscious, sentiment being. As described in an article from the New York Times by Jim Holt, something as simple as a rock may “be viewed as an all-purpose information processor.”

I recently enjoyed a cartoon strip by Scott Adams that maintains great relevance to the topic (3). Its title, “Supreme Being: Our Future, Not Our Origin,” accurately describes its argument. Its initial four slides explain how complex things result from the combination of simpler, less capable components. Its sixth slide then says: “What if ‘God,’ is the consciousness that will be created when enough of us are connected by the internet?!!” Interestingly, I feel that this idea generally pointing in the right direction. A ubiquitous, unseen entity that connects everything, huh. Not that I’m trying to bring up a theological argument (perhaps God does exist, and what the cartoon refers to would simply be a manifestation of such), but the idea does seem remarkable.

This post was originally written for my first blog that has since been discontinued.

The Future of Education


In today’s world it is conventional wisdom that a college education is necessary to excel as a professional. Times are said to have changed, and without proper schooling one is doomed to a life of either hard labor or low-paying pencil pushing. And if you’re planning on paying for an education there is no escaping the fact that college costs are rising. Besides the hefty price tag, traditional schooling is consuming, socially and mentally, forcing a particular lifestyle upon the student. Further, the relationship between the educator and the educated maintains a certain depravity, as a professor holds a figurative gun to the student’s head (any false moves may lead to a career crippling F). But is there an alternative?

In a recent editorial featured in the New York Post (April 23, 2008) Thomas Sowell attributes the high cost of college to two reasons: “People will pay what the colleges charge, and colleges have little incentive to reduce tuition.” He explains that unlike most markets, where lowering prices attracts business, in the academic world the government is ready to step in to pick up the slack. A university would loose millions per year in government money if they lowered tuition. Considering the position that today’s young people are placed, where the arduous task of completing a degree is coupled with unfair prices and a dire necessity, which will affect the rest of their life, it is fair to say that they have us by the proverbial balls.

In an article which I recently compiled I attempt to imagine the direction of coming educational paradigms. It quickly becomes obvious how the talent of great minds may be ignored due to lack of proper credentials. Our current scholastic system bespeaks the Tory elitism representative of Western culture. Perhaps the stereotypical role of an experimental, bohemian college student is effected by the sharp contrast of the academic organization. While it is clear that the classroom is continuing to evolve, it will be necessary for the vintage activist spirit of the student to lend guidance to new educational trends that shifts to a liberal method of intellectual maturation.

So where is the classroom going? I can say with a great deal of confidence that virtual technology will play a leading role in the future of education. Already most colleges and universities offer distance learning programs (online classes). Some colleges, such as the University of Phoenix offer completely virtual degrees. Hybrid courses, in which physical meetings compose only a third of the course time, are also becoming popular. This model moves the educator from the head of the classroom, handing knowledge down, to a guiding medium. This new role forces a teacher to not merely present knowledge, but to be sympathetic in facilitating its acquisition.

Despite the advantages of a virtual classroom, the heavy price still lingers overhead. In overcoming this obstacle towards an open, intellectually progressive society we must embrace the idea of autodidactism.

Being self-educated sounds harder than it is. Some of the most important figures in history have been non-traditionally educated (including Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Alan Watts, and Mark Twain). It means having a choice in subject matter, moving at your own pace, and it’s free. Its relevance towards the shifting educational paradigm can be attributed to the dawn of the information age, coupled with the open content movement. Considering resources available today, it has never been easier to be self taught. Wikipedia alone serves as an ocean of open knowledge. Various colleges, including MIT, offer ‘open-courseware,’ which include lectures, videos, and notes for entire courses for free. E-books, language courses, podcasts, and dictionaries have all become openly available in a spectrum wide enough to cover anyone’s interests. Even aspiring musicians can learn basics of instruments, theory, and entire songs through online tablatures, sheet music, and video lessons. Rather than growing around current structures, we should move to evolve the system to fit our needs and goals.

Additional Resources:

“I have never let school interfere with my education”
-Mark Twain

“In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then He made school boards.”
-Mark Twain

The PH.D Octopus by William James

“It is interesting to imagine the direction of the classroom and forthcoming educational paradigms. I imagine that within the next twenty years the physical classroom will become obsolete, only to be replaced by an autodidactic virtual environment. The role of the teacher will shift from dictating at the head of the class, to more of a supervising librarian that directs the flow of the program in a very yang manner.”