Create a WordPress plugin – How to

Splitwit plugin

Distributing software to app and plugin markets is a great way to gain organic traffic. Last year I submitted BJJ Tracker to the Google Play store as a Progressive Web App. Since then, I get signups every few days – with zero marketing effort.

I created a WordPress plugin for SplitWit, to grow its reach in a similar way. SplitWit helps run A/B experiments on the web. A JavaScript snippet needs to  be added to your code for it to work. This plugin injects the code snippet automatically.

Here is the process I took to develop and submit it to the WordPress plugin directory.

Plugin code

Since this is such a simple plugin, all I needed was one PHP file, and a readme.txt file. “At its simplest, a WordPress plugin is a PHP file with a WordPress plugin header comment.

The header comment defines meta-data:


Plugin Name: SplitWit
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin automatically adds the SplitWit code snippet to your WordPress site. SplitWit lets you create a variation of your web page using our visual editor. It splits traffic between the original version and your variation. You can track key metrics, and let SplitWit determine a winner. No code needed. Go to SplitWit to register for free.
Author: SplitWit
Version: 1.0
License: GPLv2+
License URI:


My PHP code defines six functions, uses four action hooks, and one filter hook.

The first function injects the SplitWit snippet code into the WordPress website’s header:

function splitwit_header_code(){
	//inject SplitWit code snippet
	$splitwit_project_id = get_option('splitwit_project_id');
		wp_enqueue_script( 'splitwit-snippet', ''.$splitwit_project_id.'.js' );
add_action( 'wp_head', 'splitwit_header_code', 1 );

Another defines the WordPress plugin’s menu page:

function splitwit_plugin_menu_page() { ?>

		<h1>SplitWit Experiments</h1>
		<p>This plugin automatically adds the <a href="" target="_blank">SplitWit</a> code snippet to your WordPress site. <a href="" target="_blank">SplitWit</a> lets you create a variation of your web page using our visual editor. It splits traffic between the original version and your variation. You can track key metrics, and let SplitWit determine a winner. No code needed.
		<p>You'll need to create an account at - it's free. After signing up, you can create a new SplitWit project for your website. Find that project's ID code, and copy/paste it into this page.</p>
		<form method="post" action="options.php">
			<?php settings_fields( 'splitwit_settings_group' ); ?>
			<input style="width: 340px;display: block; margin-bottom: 10px;" type="text" name="splitwit_project_id" value="<?php echo get_option('splitwit_project_id'); ?>" />
			<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="Save" />

<?php }

I add that menu page to the dashboard:

function splitwit_plugin_menu() {
	add_options_page('SplitWit Experiments', 'SplitWit Experiments', 'publish_posts', 'splitwit_settings', 'splitwit_plugin_menu_page');
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'splitwit_plugin_menu' );

And link to it in the Settings section of the dashboard:

function splitwit_link( $links ) {
     $links[] ='<a href="' . admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=splitwit_settings' ) .'">Settings</a>';
    return $links;
add_filter('plugin_action_links_'.plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'splitwit_link');

When the SplitWit code snippet is injected into the website’s header, it needs to reference a project ID. I register that value from the menu page:

function splitwit_settings(){
add_action( 'admin_init', 'splitwit_settings' );

If the project ID value has not been defined, I show a warning message at the top of the dashboard:

function splitwit_warning(){
  if (!is_admin()){

  $splitwit_project_id = get_option("splitwit_project_id");
  if (!$splitwit_project_id || $splitwit_project_id < 1){
    echo "<div class='notice notice-error'><p><strong>SplitWit is missing a project ID code.</strong> You need to enter <a href='options-general.php?page=splitwit_settings'>a SplitWit project ID code</a> for the plugin to work.</p></div>";
add_action( 'admin_notices','splitwit_warning');

The readme.txt defines additional meta-data. Each section corresponds to parts of the WordPress plugin directory page. The header section is required, and includes some basic fields that are parsed to the plugin page UI.

=== SplitWit ===
Contributors: SplitWit
Plugin Name: SplitWit
Plugin URI:
Tags: split test, split testing, ab testing, conversions
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 5.3.2
Stable tag: 1.0

Optimize your website for maximum convertibility. This plugin lets you use SplitWit to run experiments on your WordPress website.

I also added sections for a long description and installation instructions. Later, I included a screenshots section (see Subversion repo).

Submit for review

Plugin zip files can be uploaded to  Plugins can also be distributed to WordPress users without this step – but having it listed in the WordPress directory lends credibility and visibility. After my initial submission, I received an email indicating issues with my code and requesting changes. The changes were simple: “use wp_enqueue commands” and “document use of an external service”.

Originally, my “splitwit_header_code()” function include the SplitWit JS snippet directly as plain text. I changed it to use the built-in function “wp_enqueue_script()”.

echo '<script type="text/javascript" async src="'.$splitwit_project_id.'.js"> </script>';

wp_enqueue_script( 'splitwit-snippet', ''.$splitwit_project_id.'.js' );

Next, they wanted me to disclose the use of SplitWit, the service that powers the plugin. I added this to my readme.txt:

This plugin relies on SplitWit, a third-party service. The SplitWit service adds code to your website to run A/B experiments. It also collects data about how users interact with your site, based on the metrics you configure.

After making these changes, I replied back with an updated .zip. A few days later I received approval. But, that wasn’t the end  – I still needed to upload my code to a hosted SVN repository.

Subversion Repo

I’ve used Git for versioning my entire career. I had heard of SVN, but never used it. What a great opportunity to learn!

The approval email provided me with a SVN URL. On my local machine, I created a new folder, “svn-wp-splitwit”. From a terminal, I navigated to this directory and checked out the pre-built repo:

svn co

I added my plugin files (readme.txt and splitwit.php) to the “trunk” folder. This is where the most up-to-date, ready-to-distribute, version of code belongs.

In the “tags” folder, I created a new directory called “1.0” and put a copy of my files there too – for the sake of version control. This step is completely optional and is how SVN handles revisions.

In the assets folder I included my banner, icon, and screenshot files. The filenames follow as prescribed by I made sure to reference the screenshot files in my readme.txt file, under a new “Screenshots” section.

Finally, I pushed my code back up to the remote:

 svn ci -m "Initial commit of my plugin."

You can now find my plugin in the plugin directory. SplitWit is available for a free trial. Give it a try, and let me know what you think.



Pro-tip: Some WordPress setups won’t let you to install plugins from the dashboard with out providing FTP credentials, including a password. If you use a key file, instead of a password, this is a roadblock.

Install WordPress plugin roadblock
Not everyone uses a password to connect to their server.

You can remedy this by defining the file system connection method in your functions.php file:

define( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct' );


Develop Apps and Explore the World Wide Web

BJJ Tracker

World Wide Web

The web, as a platform, is open and free. Unlike native app markets, we don’t have to wait for software to be approved by any third-party. It works across any device or operating system that has a web browser. (Which is why standards across browsers is so important). But, until recently web-apps faced limitations. Not having full access to a device’s hardware and operating system was an issue – but that’s being fixed as more native APIs are being added to modern web browsers.

A disadvantage of having a web-only app was losing out on the discoverability that comes with having it listed in a searchable marketplace. Adding a web-app to your device home screen, from a web browser, is not intuitive to average users. Fortunately, the Google Play Market allows us to upload an app file that links to a progressive web app.

This involves a new protocol, Trusted Web Activities, as “a way to integrate your web-app content such as your PWA with your Android app“. The PWA leverages Digital Asset Links to “declare that it is associated with a specific Android app.

Progressive web apps

I decided to try this out with one of my web-apps, BJJ Tracker. You can read about how I first built it on another blog post.

I had to make sure it qualified as a PWA. It needed offline support, as well as any other features that would make it feel like a native app. Google Chrome’s developer tools has a section called “Audits” that helped me identify such opportunities.

progressive web app audit

The first step was to create a “service worker” JavaScript file, and register it when BJJ Tracker loads.

if('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
           .then(function() { console.log("Service Worker Registered"); })
           .catch(error => {

I added the above code to a shared file that loads on every page of my app.  Below is an example service worker file. This file downloads any vital assets to a user’s device, and later loads them from the cache. Including a polyfill ensures that the cache methods exist (in case the browser does not support them natively). “We need to use the polyfill because the Cache API is not yet fully supported in all browsers.


self.addEventListener('install', function(e) {
 e.waitUntil('bjjtracker').then(function(cache) {
    return cache.addAll([
    }).catch(error => {

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
		caches.match(event.request).then(function(response) {
			return response || fetch(event.request);
		}).catch(error => {

Read the documentation on Google’s developer portal.

Next, I created a “manifest” file. This file is written in JSON format. It helps describe how the web-app behaves once “installed”. It handles things such as app icon images and meta data.

  "name": "BJJ Tracker",
  "lang": "en-US",
  "short_name": "BJJ Tracker",
  "start_url": "/",
  "display": "standalone",
  "background_color": "#2a4d69",
  "theme_color": "#2a4d69",
  "description": "Track Brazilian Jiu Jitsu progress and fitness goals.",
  "icons": [{
    "src": "img/homescreen48.png",
    "sizes": "48x48",
    "type": "image/png"
  }, {
    "src": "img/homescreen72.png",
    "sizes": "72x72",
    "type": "image/png"
  }, {
    "src": "img/homescreen96.png",
    "sizes": "96x96",
    "type": "image/png"
  }, {
    "src": "img/homescreen144.png",
    "sizes": "144x144",
    "type": "image/png"
  }, {
    "src": "img/homescreen168.png",
    "sizes": "168x168",
    "type": "image/png"
  }, {
    "src": "img/homescreen192.png",
    "sizes": "192x192",
    "type": "image/png"
  }, {
    "src": "img/homescreen512.png",
    "sizes": "512x512",
    "type": "image/png"

I created the image assets using open source software.

Image assets created with GIMP
Image assets created with GIMP

The manifest needs to be referenced by the app. I added a link tag to a shared <head> file. Additionally, I included a few other meta tags that let browsers know to treat this website as an app.

<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#005b96"/>
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="msapplication-starturl" content="/">

Android Studio

A signed app bundle is generated from Android Studio.  I use a sample project from Google Chrome Labs as a template. We can clone that repository, and update the “/svgomg-twa/app/build.gradle” settings to point to our PWA.

app gradle settings
TWA to wrap SVGOMG in an Android App

The app’s icon files can be generated using an online tool. The downloadable bundle can be dropped into “/svgomg-twa/app/src/main/res/“.

icon generator

When creating the app bundle (“Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK”) we’ll need a signing key. I created a new one, and named the file mykeystore.keystore.

key signing on mac

An “assetlinks.json” file needs to be uploaded to the web app’s host to satisfy the Digital Asset Links requirement.  “The Digital Asset Links protocol and API enable an app or website to make public, verifiable statements about other apps or websites.” This confirms ownership of the PWA so that it can be linked to our app in the Play Store. To generate this file, first we’ll need to get the fingerprint from the signing key we used:

keytool -list -v -keystore mykeystore.keystore -alias mykeystore -storepass password-here  -keypass password-here

That command shows us the certificate fingerprints. Copy the SHA256 value. It is used with Google’s Statement List Generator to create the contents of the assetlinks.json file. The statement file is then placed in a “.well-known” directory on the root of our PWA domain (eg.

Finally, I visited the Google Play Console. Besides uploading the .apk file, I also needed to include screenshots, featured image files, and complete a content rating survey – amongst other things. Since my app has been approved, you can now find it in the Google Play Market.

BJJ Tracker in the Google Play Store.

This app is a side project I use to toy with new web technologies. I’m trying to drive traffic to it so that I can experiment with optimizing conversions. I’m using it as a trial grounds for another software service called SplitWit. SplitWit is focused on optimizing conversions for the web, and helping digital marketers reach their goals. You can read about it on another post from this blog.

bjj tracker app