React Redux Provider Store: No Overload Matches This Call

react redux IDE

This post documents a solution for the following error I encountered in a React TypeScript project that was using Redux:

No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 2, '(props: ProviderProps<Action> | Readonly<ProviderProps<Action>>): Provider<Action>', gave the following error.
    Type '{ children: Element; store: Store<{ readonly [$CombinedState]?: undefined; } & { repos: ReposState; }, Action>; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Provider<Action>> & Readonly<ProviderProps<Action>>'.
      Property 'children' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Provider<Action>> & Readonly<ProviderProps<Action>>'.
  Overload 2 of 2, '(props: ProviderProps<Action>, context: any): Provider<Action>', gave the following error.

React is a JavaScript framework used to build web apps. Redux is an open-source library used to manage the state of an application, and is often used along with React JS.

In this context, the Redux <Provider> component is used to pass application state along to its children components. It is best practice to wrap the entirety of your app in the <Provider> component, and pass the store object into it as an argument (property):

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import App from './App';
import { store } from './state';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(
  document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement

    <Provider  store={store}> 
      <App />

In my project, this was producing an error on the <Provider> component that said “No overload matches this call.” I knew this must have something to with the argument(s) being passed along.

No overload matches this call.

At first I thought it might have something to do with my store object, but that was not it. I was able to resolve this roadblock by explicitly passing a ProviderProps object into the Provider component.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import { Provider, ProviderProps } from 'react-redux';
import App from './App';
import { store } from './state';

const providerProps: ProviderProps = {
  store: store,

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(
  document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement

    <Provider  {...providerProps}> 
      <App />

This worked because the store object is explicitly typed in the ProviderProps object. This ensures that it matches the type expected by the Provider component. Ultimately, it was a TypeScript error. TypeScript was not able to infer the store type correctly.

This was a bug I encountered while building a web app for an Udemy course called “React and Typescript: Build a Portfolio Project“.

React JS & Yup: only require an input, if another is not empty

React JS and Yup

Typically, I avoid using JS app frameworks, and default to plain vanilla JavaScript. But, in keeping up with what is current – and working on projects as part of a team – React is inevitable: “A JavaScript library for building user interfaces” . Yup is the go-to form validation library in this context. Its GitHub page calls it “Dead simple Object schema validation”.

Yup creates validation schemas for inputs. Create a Yup validation object, and wire it up to a form – easy.

The ask

Setting: An existing React project, with a signup form. The form includes address inputs. The “country” input was not a required field – it could be left blank. My assignment was to make that field be required, only if the “state/territory” input was not empty. Sounds straight forward.

Here is a sample of the original code:

export const apValidateMyAddress = () => {
  name: yup.string().required("Don't leave this blank!!"),
  email: yup.string().email(),
  address: yup:string(),
  city: yup.string(),
  state: yup.string(),
  country: yup.string()

At first, I wasn’t sure if I should update this schema code directly. I thought about checking if the state field was blank, or not, and applying a different schema object instead. That would have been the wrong approach.

Doing some research, I discovered that the Yup’s when() method was the solution. It would let me “adjust the schema based on a sibling or sibling children fields”.

My first attempt was wrong, and didn’t work::

export const apValidateMyAddress = () => {
  name: yup.string().required("Don't leave this blank!!"),
  email: yup.string().email(),
  address: yup:string(),
  city: yup.string(),
  state: yup.string(),
  country: yup.string().when('state',{
    is: true,
    then: yup.string().required('This is a required field.')

Errors were thrown. Documentation examples were hard to come by, and I was new at this. I wanted the condition to be true if “state” was not blank. Setting the “is” clause as “true” would only work if state was validated as a boolean – state: yup.boolean() . Ultimately, I was able to check that the “state” value existed using the value property:

export const apValidateMyAddress = () => {
  name: yup.string().required("Don't leave this blank!!"),
  email: yup.string().email(),
  address: yup:string(),
  city: yup.string(),
  state: yup.string(),
  country: yup.string().when('state',{
    is: (value: any) => !!value,
    then: yup.string().required('This is a required field.')

More Conditional Logic

In another example of validating a field based on the value of another, I leveraged the context attribute. This allows you to pass additional data to the validation schema.

const validOrderQuanitity = await orderQuantitySchema.validate(orderQuantity, {context: previousOrderQuantity, customerType})

Here, for my order quantity to be valid, it needs to be greater than (or equal to) the previous order quantity, but only when the customer type is “existing”. Although the order quantity is what is being validated, I need the context of the previous order quantity and the customer type.

In my validation schema, I use a when condition to check the customer type and to reference the passed argument:

export const myValidationSchema = Yup.number().when('$customerType',{ is: 'existing', then: Yup.number().min(Yup.ref('$previousOrderQuantity'), "Invalid!")})